Total number of samples: 23539. After filtering:
Taxonomic filters (applied to biological samples only)
The full database can be downloaded from Zenodo.
This database is a product of the SCAR community and has been released under a CC-BY license: you must cite these data when using.
If you have used data from a small number of individual sources (check the
values of the data you used), please cite the original data sources and additionally acknowledge this database. For example:
Smith J (2021) On the origin of PCBs in penguin species from Antarctica. Journal name 123:100–110. Data obtained from the SCAR Persistent Organic Pollutants Database, 10.5281/zenodo.7672293
If you have used data from many individual sources, the overall citation for this database is:
Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (2025) Persistent Organic Pollutants Database. 10.5281/zenodo.7672293
However, you are encouraged to cite all primary sources (possibly in supplementary material, if there are many).
This data explorer app is a product of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research through its
The ImPACT Action Group aims to facilitate coordinated investigation of chemical input to the Antarctic region. This is a policy-driven Action Group which serves both the Global Monitoring Plan of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), as well as the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty (the Madrid Protocol), which explicitly prohibits the importation of chemicals of known risk to Antarctica.